
When playing craps in a casino, there are unlimited combinations of ways that players can place their bets. But, with this freedom comes complexity, and players deserve to know how a strategy could perform in each session. 

The goal of The Craps Analyst is to provide high quality information about craps and the numerous bets and strategies that can be played at the table. Most of this information comes from extensive simulations and statistical analysis to provide realistic outcomes you might expect to see.

Who am I?

I’m Sean Kent, a PhD statistician who’s fascinated with craps and other casino topics. A lot of this work started when I was trying to understand craps better–I built a simulator to test different strategies and from that realized there’s so much about the game that isn’t freely available to learn. For craps, there’s plenty of resources to learn the basics and to learn about different strategies, but very little good information about how combinations of bets impact your odds of winning. Other casino games like blackjack and poker have books upon books of detailed strategy information, whereas craps typically only shows the best bets (by house edge) and some decently formulated strategies. I hope to share good information that can help intermediate and advanced players up their game (and hopefully win more from the casinos).

How is the website funded?

I hate ads. You probably also hate ads. For me, there’s nothing worse than trying to learn information from a website only to be bombarded by pop-up videos, ads between each paragraph, and offers to sign up for a newsletter. Yet they are popular because 1) most websites want to make money and 2) ads help pay the bills, especially if there is no easily marketable product on the website.

I’m trying a different approach with this site. The goal is to share tons of great information completely for free with no ads. Similarly, the craps simulation software crapssim is completely free and open source. And I’m not planning to put up tons of affiliate links either. Instead, I’ll offer more in depth knowledge for each strategy (such as impact under different bankrolls, different session lengths, etc) for about the cost to make a bet at the casino. All of this coming soon, so stay tuned.