Tag: Single bet

  • Don’t Pass

    Strategy description

    The fundamental dark side strategy, sans odds. Bet the Don’t Pass line for $10 and replace it any time the bet is resolved. The Don’t Pass bet will win on 2 or 3, lose on 7 or 11, and push on 12 before a point is set. Any other number rolled sets the point, and the bet wins on a 7 happening before that point number rolling again. No odds are included in this page.

    Simulated outcomes

    To understand how the strategy could perform on any given day, we simulate 1,000,000 sessions for each of three session types: one shooter, 10 shooters, and one hour (144 rolls, letting active bets finish). The results are given in each tab below. For more information on how to read each chart, table, or statistic, see How to interpret statistics from The Craps Analyst.


    As the don’t pass bet has one of the lowest house edges, the strategy has a reasonable average loss of $0.34 per $10 unit per shooter, or about a $6.05 loss per $10 unit per hour. The average loss is one of the best for any strategy that has continuous betting, but most craps plays don’t want to play just one bet at a time.

    In many ways, the Don’t Pass operates in the opposite way as the Pass Line strategy. When sessions are measured per shooter, the win rate is above 50%—it’s 61.1% per shooter or 51.3% per 10 shooters. This seems strange at first, because the don’t pass bet is not a winning bet by itself; however, the “win rate” includes half of the ties (which account for 23.8% of the per-shooter results and 8.0% of the per-10-shooter results). This phenomenon is discussed in more detail in One Surprising Feature of Dark Side Betting. However, on a per hour basis, the win rate is more reflective of the underlying house edge of the don’t pass bet, at 46.9%.

    To balance out the higher win chance (consisting of smaller wins), Don’t Pass offers has potentially high downside (large losses). Budgeting for 10 shooters, the worst 1% of sessions is a $140 loss, but the best 1% is only a $90 win. As seen in the sample sessions, the big wins tend to be quicker (fast seven-outs) while the big losses are when several shooters go on long runs of hitting points, which require replacing the don’t pass bet. If instead you play on a time-at-the-table basis, the winnings distribution is much closer to a normal distribution with more balanced high and low sessions (Worst 25% = $50 loss, Best 25% = $40 win).

    In terms of variability, the per-shooter variability is about 1.5x that of a $10 coin-flip, which is not surprising given that several $10 bets could happen on one shooter.

    • Per shooter
    • Per 10 shooters
    • Per hour

    Strategy metrics

    Average WinningsWin ChanceVariability

    Session quantiles

    Worst 1%Worst 25%Mid 50%Best 25%Best 1%

    Resulting winnings after each simulated session

    Sample of 10 sessions

    Strategy metrics

    Average WinningsWin ChanceVariability

    Session quantiles

    Worst 1%Worst 25%Mid 50%Best 25%Best 1%

    Resulting winnings after each simulated session

    Sample of 10 sessions

    Strategy metrics

    Average WinningsWin ChanceVariability

    Session quantiles

    Worst 1%Worst 25%Mid 50%Best 25%Best 1%

    Resulting winnings after each simulated session

    Sample of 10 sessions

  • Pass Line

    Strategy description

    The first strategy that most people start with. This one is simple, bet the pass line for $10 and replace it any time the bet is resolved. No odds are included in this page. For a detailed explanation of the pass line bet, see All Bets Are Off: Re-learning the Pass Line Bet in Craps.

    Simulated outcomes

    To understand how the strategy could perform on any given day, we simulate 1,000,000 sessions for each of three session types: one shooter, 10 shooters, and one hour (144 rolls, letting active bets finish). The results are given in each tab below. For more information on how to read each chart, table, or statistic, see How to interpret statistics from The Craps Analyst.


    The low house edge of the pass line bet shows up in this strategy, it’s quite reasonable at an average loss of $0.36 per $10 unit per shooter. If a simple strategy like this can keep you entertained, the cost of entertainment is low compared to many other hobbies (but let’s be realistic, few people play only pass line bets, and minimums are often higher than $10).

    As with many light-side betting strategies in craps, the pass line strategy has a relatively low win chance, just under 40% per shooter or about 43% per 10 shooters. (Side note, it’s counterintuitive that the win chance goes up with more play. Eventually this number does go down, as I’ve explored in this post: One Surprising Feature of Dark Side Betting).

    To balance the slightly low win chance, pass line offers the possibility of big wins with lowered downside. Budgeting for 10 shooters, the worst 1% of sessions is a $100 loss, but the best 1% was a $130 win. Even with only 1 shooter, the best 1% of sessions was a $60 win, though eventually the high likelihood seven-outs will catch up to you.

    If you play on a time-at-the-table basis, the average loss is $6.18 per hour and the winnings distribution is much closer to a normal distribution. Compared with a per-shooter basis, a few quick seven-outs by the shooters won’t completely stop the session, but the potential losses are not as constrained.

    • Per shooter
    • Per 10 shooters
    • Per hour

    Strategy metrics

    Average WinningsWin ChanceVariability

    Session quantiles

    Worst 1%Worst 25%Mid 50%Best 25%Best 1%

    Resulting winnings after each simulated session

    Sample of 10 sessions

    Strategy metrics

    Average WinningsWin ChanceVariability

    Session quantiles

    Worst 1%Worst 25%Mid 50%Best 25%Best 1%

    Resulting winnings after each simulated session

    Sample of 10 sessions

    Strategy metrics

    Average WinningsWin ChanceVariability

    Session quantiles

    Worst 1%Worst 25%Mid 50%Best 25%Best 1%

    Resulting winnings after each simulated session

    Sample of 10 sessions